Cash Is King! Markets Are Closed On Good Friday!

Aloha Investors!

Sorry I wasn’t able to post last week Friday due to the markets being closed for Good Friday. The good news is that I was able to buy stocks before this week’s up market. Unfortunately today was a negative day, so once again I wish I had more money to invest in the stock market. I still believe this year is a good year to invest in the stock market due to the fluctuation in the market. I am confident that next year will be a good year for stocks because inflation and rate hikes will slow down. The economy will take years to recover from all the inflation and rate hikes, but it will bring everyone back to reality and think before they spend money. Right now everyone in the US is spending money they don’t have. I hope with the rate hikes and inflation people will realize cash is king now.

If you can afford it I would suggest investors to still invest in stocks they understand and believe in. If you can’t see the company in business 30 years from today, then don’t invest in it.

My Investments for Friday, April 14 2023

Combined Value of – $229,264.87

Individual Stock Account – $129,075.70

Starting buying power: $379.28
Buying power remaining: $16.58

Apple (AAPL)  – 2 Shares

Price per share – $161.784 = $323.57

AT&T (T) – 2 Shares

Price per share – $19.565 = $39.13

Dividends for April

Qualified Dividend Coca-Cola Inc. (KO)  – $21.26

Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) – Bought 0.341 KO @ 62.2658

Qualified Dividend Merck & Co. Inc.(MRK) – $3.19
Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) – Bought 0.028 MRK @112.2961

Qualified Dividend Philip Morris International Inc. (PM) – $8.22
Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) – Bought 0.083 PM @ 99.2131

Roth IRA – $72,088.61

Starting buying power: $247.52
Buying power remaining: $35.30

Vanguard High Dividend Yield Index Fund ETF Shares (VYM) – 2 Shares
Price per share – $106.1099 = $212.22

Dividends for April

No dividend payouts as of 4/14/2023

Traditional IRA – $28,100.56

No shares bought at this time

Next investment: 04/21/2023

Buying power remaining: $14.86

Dividends for April

No dividend payouts as of 4/14/2023

It’s Never Too Late To Start Investing!

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